Blog/Social Media Goals and Intentions

Saturday, April 28, 2018
I started this blog a few months ago with intentions of regular updates. That plan, however, got foiled by the nearly endless winter we had in Vermont. Now that we have longer days and the ice storms are (hopefully) behind us, I want to take this hobby a little more seriously. The following are my goals for this blog and for my social media (which basically just means instagram).


  • More detail shots: I want to get better at my photography in general, but specifically I want to start taking more detail shots.
  • Varied locations: While my living room is a good place to take pictures, I want to start shooting in more varied locations. I've attempted taking pictures in public a few times and it's not the worst. I just have to remember to smile instead of scowl...
  • Flatlays: I would like to learn how to make/take flatlays. This would help diversify the pictures I can post and broaden my horizons.


Probably my most important goal of all is to have a consistent posting schedule. I'm starting out realistic and will get more aspirational if I can stick with this schedule.
  • Post on instagram three times a week. I hope that most of these will be outfit photos, but the flatlays can help fill out these posts.
  • Post on blog at least once a week. I would like to start with outfit of the week posts, but could include some daily outfit posts if I get enough pictures. 


  • Settle on a consistent theme for the blog. I don't hate my current theme, but it's not exactly what I want. I'm not going to rush into finding a new one, but I'm keeping my eyes open.
  • Settle on a relatively consistent layout for posts. I'm aware that this is going to change as my blog evolves, but I want there to be consistency between posts.
  • I would like to change the comment section. It's a bit unwieldy currently and I want to make the comment section (and therefore me) easier to interact with. 

So there they are, my goals for this here blog. I hope that putting them on "paper" will help me stick to them.
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